Edible High Town is turning disused plots of land around High Town into vibrant and productive growing spaces.
Maybe you’ve seen the raised beds and step-over apples on Edward Street? The vegetable beds in Albion Court, meadow labyrinth in the Peace Garden or the orchard in People’s Park?
We have small (and bigger) gardening spaces at:
- Edward St (picture below)
- Burr St Car Park
- Wenlock St
- Dudley St
- Albion Court
- People’s Park Orchard
- Peace Garden (behind the Methodist Church)
Weekly gardening sessions
We are always looking for more people get involved. Either join our weekly gardening sessions:
Fridays 10:30 – meet at the Peace Garden
or just in your own time – feel free to weed, water, strim and tidy.
Website: Edible High Town as part of Edible Luton – Gardening the town
Social: Edible High Town on Facebook