Coronavirus – changes to Friends of High Town meetings and activities

Methodist Church High Town

Last updated: 21 April 2020

Friends of High Town’s (FoHT) normal activities are largely on hold for now. But please contact us if there is anything that you feel we could be doing to help at this time or with any other queries. For the time being, we’ve made these changes to our activities:

Friends of High Town public meetings on hold
FoHT will not be holding public meetings for the time being. That means the next public meeting for Tuesday 14 April has been cancelled.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) postponed – committee continues to meet virtually
The ongoing crisis is likely to persist into May, so the AGM for Tuesday 12 May has been postponed for three months until August 2020, on a date to be decided. This decision is also subject to change. In the meantime, the current officers will continue in their posts and meet virtually once a month to talk about FoHT matters and will review planning applications for the area. Minutes are taken for these meetings and any decisions made will be communicated to members.

High Town Improvement Action Group (HTIAG) – virtual meetings subject to demand
HTIAG, which normally meets on the first Friday of every month, will not do so for the time being. However, an online communication group can be set up to continue to discuss and propose actions on crime, anti-social behaviour, flytipping and litter. Please contact FoHT Secretary, Gill Berg, if you are interested in this.

Edible High Town (EHT) – continues, but differently
EHT is continuing in a different format to observe hygiene and social distancing rules. EHT is using its social media channels to focus on growing fruit and vegetables at home, and some fun activities for the whole family. Follow the edible high town twitter for updates for our insect of the week: @EdibleHighTown

High Town in Bloom – it’s happening and it’s free
Hight Town in Bloom going ahead, as gardening can still take place at home. In-person judging should be in June if the law allows. If not, we will find another way to decide the winners. See: High Town in Bloom 2020.

High Town Festival – under review
This year’s festival, scheduled for Saturday 4 July, is under review. Any decisions will be communicated to our organisation partners and participants first. Once that has been done, we will let you know.

Coronavirus – information for High Town residents
During the coronavirus crisis, we will be using our social media channels to provide information about where you can access help, volunteer and strengthen our High Town community. Contact us at:

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